The University of Massachusetts Amherst



Emily Babon Sophomore RS

Steph Bristol Sophomore MH

Emily Cantin Senior OH

Laura Caraker Sophomore DS/L

Celina Chan Freshman OH

Rachel Chin Sophomore OH

Alex Cincotta Freshman S

Adri Doyle Sophomore OH

Tina Fey Sophomore RS

Sam Gutmann Junior S

Kim Hassell* Senior S

Cassie Haven Junior OH

Anna Kamenetsky Junior OH

Emma Lagreze* Sophomore MH

Jill Mattos Junior DS/L (currently abroad!)

Renee Mouwaud Junior DS/L

Liz Pietsch* Sophomore MH

Kelly Rand* Senior MH

Julianne Scott Junior MH

Maesie Wieler Sophomore RS

Natalie Zucker Sophomore S


* indicates team officer