Geography Club competes in the Where in the World Challenge

In Spring 2014, UMass was one of seven universities competing in the nationwide “Where in the World Challenge.”  The challenge is designed to to develop anticipatory spatiotemporal analytic skills to create and report “from the future” on the five best and five worst places to live on earth in the year 2025.  University teams each chose one of the following criteria then :

Overall best and worst places for all combined factors

Overall best and worst places for Water Resources

Overall best and worst places for Energy Resources

Overall best and worst places for Food Security

Overall best and worst places for Health

Overall best and worst places for Risk for Natural Disaster

The UMass Geography club chose to analyze the best and worst places for water resources in the year 2025.  Members participating on the team included Spencer Weinstein, Stephen Bailey, Ronan Lucey, Chloe Meckaniuk, and Daniel Riecker.

The winners of the competition will be announced in July.