Category Archives: Calls for papers

PhonFest 2018: Abstracts due April 15

Registration is now open for PhonFest 2018, a symposium on phonetic and phonological documentation.

“Mixing it up: from the lab to the field and back again.”
May 29 – June 2, 2018 ~ Indiana University, Bloomington

Description: While language science is moving in an ever more experimental direction, and tightly controlled experiments in lab settings can generate invaluable information about human language, such studies are not always possible, realistic, or productive in the context of actual language usage. Humans are members of communities, and linguists often work in the field, in communities. Speakers are not just passive consultants, but are members of a language community, agents who ‘do’ the language. The data generated by fieldwork, which is also invaluable, presents its own challenges—including technological challenges, like how to organize and annotate records in order to render them maximally accessible and useful. PhonFest is designed to create a space for dialogue: How can practices from the lab inform our work in the field, and vice versa? How can we pull the best elements from both worlds together to strengthen the work we do? Expert speakers from the US and abroad will address these topics.

Invited speakers:
Cynthia Clopper, The Ohio State University
Christian DiCanio, University at Buffalo
Josef Fruehwald, University of Edinburgh
Marija Tabain, La Trobe University

Tues. May 29 – Fri. June 1: Invited speakers present short courses.
Sat. June 2: Conference for Fest participants to present their own work.
Mon. June 4-Thurs. June 7: Incubator week! Designated work time (in a supportive environment) to help propel your work from where it’s at to the next stage.

Learn more at rates range from $45 for IU students to $150 for outside professionals. 
Abstracts for poster presentations are invited in the following areas: 
·      documentary (acoustic, articulatory, perception, etc.) work on under-resourced languages
·      descriptive and/or sociophonetic analyses of under-resourced languages, under-served populations
·      typologically unusual sounds, contrasts, patterns
·      methodological papers; technical characterizations of novel methodologies
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 15, 2018. 

Call for Papers: 15th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP)

The 15th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP) will be held in London on the 12–14 January 2018, hosted by UCL and the University of Essex.

The conference webpage is here:

The Call for Papers is copied below. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 15 September.

We hope very much that you will join us in London.

Kind regards,

Jamie White

Andrew Nevins

Nancy Kula


We welcome submissions on any topic in phonology. Talks will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions. There will also be a poster session. We particularly welcome submissions from students and early career researchers. Each individual may submit a maximum of one abstract as first author (or sole author), and a maximum of two abstracts in total. Abstracts will be (blindly) peer-reviewed by an international panel of reviewers.

Abstract guidelines:

  • Maximum 2 pages of A4 paper, including references, examples, tables, and figures.
  • 12 pt Times New Roman font, or similar.
  • One-inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides.
  • Anonymous (please do not include author details or citations to unpublished work).
  • PDF format.

Abstracts not following these guidelines will be rejected without review.

Abstract submission, reviewing, and notification of acceptance will be handled using EasyChair (


The deadline for abstract submission is 15 September 2017.

Invited speakers:

Government Phonology Roundtable (GPRT) 2017

This year’s (semi-)informal meeting of GP-ists, GPRT 2017 ( held in Budapest, Hungary, on Saturday, 18th of November. The webpage is now open for registration and title/abstract submission. Upon registration, you are asked to specify if you plan to present (in which case you are asked to add a title and a brief, max. 1-page abstract) or to attend as audience only (in which case we need you to register for reasons of catering).
As it is customary, the roundtable will be a one-day event, with a welcome dinner on the Friday and a farewell dinner on the Saturday. The webpage will be regularly updated — currently, it only gives some preliminary information:
It already contains a detailed description of the venue, a link to the online registration form, and instructions for abstract submission.
You may also want to be part of the GPRT community and join our googlegroup — you can apply for membership (or check whether you’re already a member 😉 ) at
For more information, mail to

CfP: Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology


30th November–1st December 2017, Informatics Forum, University of Edinburgh

Conference website:

Call deadline: 17th July 2017

What do we need to consider in order to understand the innovation and propagation of phonological change, and to reconstruct past phonological states? The symposium will offer an opportunity to discuss fundamental questions in historical phonology as well as specific analyses of historical data.

Our plenary speaker is:

* Meredith Tamminga (University of Pennsylvania)

The invited speaker will address foundational issues in the discipline over two one-hour slots, one on each day of the symposium, and there will be considerable time allocated to discussion.

We see historical phonology as the branch of linguistics which links phonology to the past in any way. Its key concerns are (i) how and why the phonology of languages changes in diachrony, and (ii) the reconstruction of past synchronic stages of languages’ phonologies. These are inextricably linked: we need to understand what the past stages of languages were in order to understand which changes have occurred, and we need to understand which kinds of changes are possible and how they are implemented in order to reconstruct past synchronic stages.

We define phonology, broadly, as that part of language which deals with the patterning of the units used in speech, and we see historical phonology as an inherently inter(sub)disciplinary enterprise. In order to understand (i) and (ii), we need to combine insights from theoretical phonology, phonetics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, philology, and, no doubt, other areas. We need to interact with the traditions of scholarship that have grown up around individual languages and language families and with disciplines like history, sociology and palaeography.

The kinds of questions that we ask include at least the following:

* Which changes are possible in phonology?
* What is the precise patterning of particular changes in the history of specific languages?
* How do changes arise and spread through communities?
* Are there characteristics that phonological changes (or particular types of changes) always show?
* What counts as evidence for change, or for the reconstruction of previous stages of languages’ phonologies?
* What kinds of factors can motivate or constrain change?
* Are there factors which lead to stability in language, and militate against change?
* To what extent is phonological change independent of changes that occur at other levels of the grammar, such as morphology, syntax or semantics?
* What is the relationship between the study of completed phonological changes and of variation and change in progress?
* What is the relationship between phonological change and (first and second) language acquisition?
* What types of units and domains, at both segmental and prosodic levels, do we need in order to capture phonological change?
* How can the results of historical phonology inform phonological theorising?
* How does phonologisation proceed — how do non-phonological pressures come to be reflected in phonology?
* How can contact between speakers of different languages, or between speakers of distinct varieties of the same language, lead to phonological change, or to the creation of new phonological systems?
* How has historical phonology developed as an academic enterprise?

We invite one-page abstracts addressing these, or any other questions relevant to the symposium topics, by 17th July 2017.

The Symposium has a vague link to Papers in Historical Phonology ( We encourage submission of papers presented at the symposium to PiHPh. See also the Preface to the first volume of PiHPh ( for an extended exposition of the kinds of questions the symposium is meant to

We expect to keep the symposium fee low (in the region of £25).


Please submit your abstracts via EasyChair ( Abstracts should not exceed one A4 or US Letter page with 2.5 cm or 1 inch margins in a 12pt font. The file should not include any information identifying the author(s). All examples and references in the abstract should be included on the one single page, but it is enough, when referring to previous work, to cite ‘Author (Date)’ in the body of the abstract — you do not need to give the full reference at the end of the abstract. Please do not submit an abstract if it goes over one page for any reason — it will be rejected.

To submit an abstract, please visit the EasyChair submission page ( If you don’t already have an EasyChair account, you will have to create one (this is a quick process). Once you have logged in, click on ‘New Submission’ in the top left corner.

After filling in your contact information, enter the title of your abstract in the both the Title and Abstract fields, and provide three keywords in the keywords field. Upload your abstract in pdf format by clicking on ‘Choose a file’ at the bottom of the page. If you do not upload a PDF file, your paper cannot be considered for the conference.


The symposium will be preceded by satellite workshop devoted to the ways in which laryngeal features influence or are involved in phonological change. This workshop is intended to be a relatively informal venue for discussion of such issues. It is not a formal part of the symposium and everyone is welcome to attend. There is a separate website for the workshop:

Society for Computation in Linguistics Call for Papers

The Society for Computation in Linguistics  (SCiL) invites submissions to its inaugural meeting, SCiL 2018, which will be co-located with LSA 2018 as a sister society in Salt Lake City, Utah, January 4-7, 2018. SCiL 2018 will be held jointly with a one-time workshop on “Perceptrons and Syntactic Structures at Sixty” (PSS@60) and the 2018 meeting of Cognitive Modeling in Computational Linguistics (CMCL).

We seek high-quality research on computational and mathematical approaches in any area of linguistics. There will be two submission tracks: papers and abstracts. Accepted papers and abstracts will be presented (either orally or as posters) at the SCiL 2018 meeting. Papers will be published prior to the conference in the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Anthology. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to submit extended abstracts prior to the conference. Both papers and extended abstracts will be published online in the forthcoming open-access SCiL proceedings.

Invited Speakers

  • Jacob Andreas
  • Emily M. Bender
  • Sam Bowman
  • Chris Dyer
  • Jason Eisner
  • Robert Frank
  • Matt Goldrick
  • Sharon Goldwater
  • Paul Smolensky

Important Dates

Submission Deadline (papers and abstracts): August 1, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: mid-September, 2017
Camera Ready Papers and Abstracts Due: November 1, 2017
Conference: January 4-7, 2018


Papers (8pp) and abstracts (2pp) are due August 1, 2017. Links to the submission site will be posted by July 1, 2017. Papers and abstracts must be anonymous and prepared in PDF format according to the following guidelines.


Paper submissions must describe original, completed, and unpublished work. They are limited to 8 content pages (plus unlimited pages for references) and should follow the two-column ACL format. Style templates are available from the NAACL website:

Accepted papers will be published in the ACL Anthology prior to the conference, and will be presented either as oral or poster presentations at SCiL 2018. Papers will also be published online in the forthcoming open-access SCiL proceedings.


Abstract submissions must describe original and completed work. To facilitate exchange of research ideas across disciplines, this track will consider work that has been previously presented (and potentially published) at venues with distinct scope and target audiences from SCiL. Submissions describing previously presented/published work must indicate so at submission time.

Abstracts length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font should be 12-point Times or Times New Roman throughout, and the document should be single-spaced, left justified, with margins of exactly one inch on all sides. Title and section headings (if used) should bold.

Accepted abstracts will be presented at SCiL 2018 as posters or oral presentations. Authors of accepted abstracts will have the option to extend abstracts up to 4 pages (extended abstracts). Abstracts and extended abstracts will be published before the conference in the forthcoming open-access SCiL Proceedings.



Advisory Committee

  • Emily Bender, University of Washington
  • Leon Bergen, UCSD
  • Jennifer Culbertson, University of Edinburgh
  • Naomi Feldman, University of Maryland
  • Tim Hunter, UCLA
  • Roger Levy, MIT
  • Giorgio Magri, CNRS and University of Paris 8
  • Brendan O’Connor, UMass Amherst
  • Christopher Potts, Stanford University

AMP 2017 Second Call for Papers – Deadline 4/24

Deadline for Main Session abstract submission: Monday, April 24, 2017, 11:59pm

Deadline for Workshop abstract submission: Monday, May 15, 2017, 11:59pm

We are seeking high-quality unpublished research in all areas of theoretical, experimental and computational phonology for presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP 2017). The conference will take place September 15-17, 2017 on the campus of New York University. This is the fifth installment of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, following the 2013 inaugural meeting at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and subsequent meetings hosted by MIT, UBC/SFU and USC.

This year’s conference will be jointly hosted by the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and features an integrated, special session “Bridging the gap between phonological theory and speech disorders”. We are additionally seeking high-quality research that lies at the intersection between the study of speech disorders and linguistics, e.g. studies of disordered phonology.

We invite abstracts for either oral presentation (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or poster presentation. All presentations (in both the general and special sessions) are eligible for publication in the open-access on-line conference proceedings hosted by theLinguistic Society of America. Oral presentations will appear in the main Proceedings and poster presentations will appear in the Supplemental Proceedings.

Abstracts must be anonymous, please be sure to eliminate any identifying metadata from the document. Length is limited to a maximum of two single-spaced pages (US Letter), figures and references included. Font should be 12-point, with margins of at least one inch left on all sides. Abstracts must be submitted in .pdf file format.

Submissions are limited to two per author, with at most one submission being single-authored.

Main Session

The deadline for abstract submission for the Main Session is Monday, April 24, 2017, 11:59pm.

Main Session abstract submission:


The deadline for abstract submission for the Workshop on speech disorders has been extended to Monday, May 15, 2017, 11:59pm.

Workshop abstract submission: by email to Please follow the formatting guidelines specified for the Main Session. Please also indicate your preference for an oral presentation versus a poster.

AMP 2017 contact email:


AMP 2017 welcomes submissions from scholars who are affected by the recent executive order banning travel from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. For scholars from these countries whose abstracts are accepted either for poster or oral presentation, we will make every effort to arrange for them to present their research via streaming over the internet (e.g. Skype or Google Hangouts).

***CALL FOR PAPERS mfm25 FRINGE MEETING / GDRI PTA Dataset Workshop***

We are pleased to announce the mfm25 Fringe Meeting/GDRI Phonological Theory Agora Dataset Workshop on ternarity in English (deadline for abstract submission 31st March 2017).

The goal of the PTA Dataset Workshop is to promote discussion and theory-oriented debate in an original way. The idea is to collect a dataset and to ask participants to resolve the specific problems that it poses. We think that this workshop format (unprecedented in linguistics) is an interesting way to challenge phonologists working within different frameworks to talk about the same empirical problems and directly confront the successes and underpinnings of their formal analyses.

Call for papers: Manchester Phonology Meeting


Twenty-Fifth Manchester Phonology Meeting

25-27 MAY 2017

Deadline for abstracts: 1st March 2017

Special session: ‘Typology and Phonological Theory’, featuring:
* Birgit Alber (Universita di Verona)
* Juliette Blevins (Graduate Center, City University of New York)
* Mark Donohue (Australian National University)

Held at Hulme Hall, Manchester, England. Organised through a collaboration of phonologists at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Manchester, and elsewhere.

Conference website:

* There will be a wine party on the evening on the 25th May to celebrate the fact that this is the 25th (!) mfm.

* There will also be a FRINGE workshop on the afternoon of Wednesday 24th May, timed to coincide with the mfm, organised by the Phonological Theory Agora:



We are pleased to announce the Twenty-Fifth Manchester Phonology Meeting (25mfm). The mfm is the UK’s annual phonology conference, with an international set of organisers. It is held in late May every year in Manchester (central in the UK, and with excellent international transport connections). The meeting has become a key conference for phonologists from all over the world, where anyone who declares themselves to be interested in phonology can submit an abstract on anything phonological in any phonological framework. In an informal atmosphere, we discuss a broad range of topics, including the phonological description of languages, issues in phonological theory, aspects of phonological acquisition and implications of phonological change.



There is no conference theme – abstracts can be submitted on anything, but a special themed session has been organised for Friday afternoon, entitled ‘Typology and phonological theory’. This will feature the invited speakers listed (in alphabetical order) above and will conclude in an open discussion session when contributions from the audience will be very welcome.



**This mentions only a few details – please consult the website for full information:

* There is no obligatory conference theme for the 25mfm – abstracts can be submitted on anything phonological.

* We are using the Linguist List’s EasyAbstracts system for abstract submission. Abstracts should be uploaded to the 25mfm’s page on the EasyAbstracts site by 1st March 2017:

* Full papers will last around 25 minutes with around 5 minutes for questions, and there will be high-profile poster sessions lasting one and a half hours. When you submit your abstract, you will be asked to indicate whether you would be prepared to present your work either as a talk or a poster paper or only as a poster.

* We aim to finalise the programme, and to contact abstract-senders by late March, and we will contact all those who have sent abstracts as soon as the decisions have been made.

**Further important details** concerning abstract submission are available on the conference website. Please make sure that you consult these before submitting an abstract:



Organising Committee:

The first named is the convenor and main organiser, If you have any queries about the conference, feel free to get in touch (
* Patrick Honeybone (Edinburgh)
* Ricardo Bermudez-Otero (Manchester)
* Yuni Kim (University of Manchester)

* Michael Ramsammy (Edinburgh)

Advisory Board:
* Adam Albright (MIT)
* Jill Beckman (Iowa)
* Stuart Davis (Indiana)
* Laura J. Downing (Gothenburg)
* Silke Hamann (Amsterdam)
* S.J. Hannahs (Newcastle upon Tyne)
* Kristine A. Hildebrandt (Southern Illinois)
* Martin Kramer (Tromso)
* Nancy Kula (Essex)
* Aditi Lahiri (Oxford)
* Nabila Louriz (Hassan II, Casablanca)
* Joan Mascaro (UAB)
* Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin)
* Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens & Leiden)
* Tobias Scheer (Nice)
* James M. Scobbie (QMU)
* Jennifer L. Smith (UNC)
* Patrycja Strycharczuk (Manchester)
* Nina Topintzi (Thessaloniki)
* Jochen Trommer (Leipzig)
* Francesc Torres-Tamarit (Paris 8)
* Christian Uffmann (Duesseldorf)
* Ruben van de Vijver (Duesseldorf)
* Sophie Wauquier (Paris 8)
* Draga Zec (Cornell)
* Elizabeth Zsiga (Georgetown)