FRENCH 240                            INTERMEDIATE FRENCH                                     Spring 2016


Magda Oiry                                                                   Office hours WF 10-11 in Herter 309

Course: MW 2:30-3:45                                                                        and by appointment

Classroom: Herter Hall 118                           Current office: ILC N434   (stop by on TH)            e-mail: moiry@umass.edu



Required: – Intrigue: Langue, culture et mystère dans le monde francophone (softcover textbook, 2011, 3rd edition)

Optional: – 501 French Verbs, any French-English dictionary

GOALS: The goal of this course is to help you develop proficiency in the following areas: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and cultural understanding.

French 240 is a course worth 3 credits and designed for 4th semester students.

In class you will participate actively to develop fluency in French. One learns a language through intensive interaction with the language, not by listening to lectures about grammar. Every class will be as interactive as possible. Time in class will be devoted primarily to practicing the language. Interactive listening and speaking exercises are of crucial importance in developing proficiency in a second language!

At home, your responsibility will be to learn the grammar and vocabulary, and complete the corresponding exercises, to practice speaking, and to write out homework exercises assigned for each chapter. Developing fluency in a language requires dedication, motivation and daily practice. You are expected to put in approximately 2 hours of time preparing for class and reviewing for every hour of time spent in class.

ASSESSMENT: The study of a foreign language requires daily effort. You are expected to attend every session. PRESENCE and PARTICIPATION are crucial. Your final grade will be based on your presence, preparation, participation, and your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

In order to get credit for assignments they must all be submitted on time.

Components of the course:

Attendance & active participation               10%

Homework exercises                                      20%

Compositions and rewrites (2)                    20%

Exams (2)                                                         25%

Final exam                                                       25%


Grading Scale:

B 89-87%           C+ 79-77%

A   100-93%            B   86-83%          C   76-73%       D   69-60%       F   59% or below

A-   92-90%             B-   82-80%       C-   72-70%


There will be NO EXTRA CREDIT assignments.


A) ATTENDANCE & PARTICIPATION: Attendance is mandatory. It is essential that you be in class every day to develop an ear for the French language and to develop speaking and listening proficiency. It is important that you be present and alert during class, and that you listen attentively when others are speaking. Participation includes your willingness to practice French in and before class, your willingness to participate in all activities, your cooperation in pair work and group work, and your respectful attitude toward the class and your peers. Students caught using electronic devices (cell phone, MP3 player, laptop, etc.) during class will be considered absent without any further warning.

Please be on time: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class and class always begins on time. In the event of an anticipated absence (i.e., jury duty), please warn your instructor in advance. When an absence occurs unexpectedly (illness), please contact your instructor as soon as possible thereafter. In either case, you must provide valid documentation (e.g. from Health Services) for the absence to be considered legitimate.

B) HOMEWORK: **Homework will be verified and evaluated on five specific dates throughout the semester so that the instructor can be sure students are making progress.

Homework will mostly be in Intrigue and Student Activities Manual (SAM), the online workbook and lab manual accompanying Intrigue.

C) COMPOSITIONS: The two compositions will be graded on the basis of fluency, grammatical accuracy, integration of new vocabulary, and creative content. Composition topics and requirements will be handed out by your instructor. Compositions should be typed on a computer and double spaced in order to facilitate the correction and rewrite. Your instructor will annotate the composition using the correction code (see annex, p. 3), grade it, and return it to you. You will then correct your work and resubmit both versions. A good rewrite will raise the composition grade one increment (e.g. from a C+ to a B-). Failure to hand in a rewrite will affect your composition grade and your participation grade. Only hard copies will be accepted. Papers that do not meet these requirements will be returned without credit. A late penalty of -10% per class period will be assessed. Compositions turned in after one week will not be accepted.

D) EXAMS: The course will contain two exams, the first after Chapter 7 and the second after Chapter 9. While they are not designed to be cumulative, remember that language acquisition is a continuous process. You can expect to see sections that resemble the workbook exercises in dealing with grammar, vocabulary, verb conjugations and tenses, as well as listening and reading comprehension sections. The best preparation is keeping up with the homework assignments.

E) FINAL EXAM: This course contains a final exam which will include material from the entire semester — Chapters 5-10. The format will resemble that of the exams and thus the workbook exercises. Taking the final exam is mandatory to pass the course.

*Students are advised not to buy airline tickets before the date of the final exam is published. The final exam will not be given before the official exam date.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Academic dishonesty shall be grounds for a grade of F for the course. Of particular concern to the department is the question of what constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined in the MLA Handbook (Gibaldi, Joseph, and Walter S. Achtert, 1988, pages 21-25) as “the use of another person’s ideas or expression in your writing without giving proper credit to the source… the wrongful act of taking the product of another person’s mind and presenting it as one’s own.” Also unacceptable is the use of computer translators, as well as copying information, either sentences or paragraphs in whole, from the internet or other sites. Keep in mind that it is also unacceptable to ask another person to proofread a composition or other work for you and pass it off as your own. Therefore, while we encourage you to work and learn together outside of class, you may not ask your tutor or other peer to proofread and correct compositions for you prior to grading. The purpose of compositions is to demonstrate your ability to use material which has been covered in class, and the ultimate goal is for it to be a learning experience.


STUDY GROUPS: We encourage you to get together informally with your classmates to study, prepare, practice and help each other understand the material. It is also a good idea to take the phone number of a classmate in case you miss class one day!


EXTRA HELP: The best option is to catch your instructor during office hours. Discuss this possibility after class or send a short e-mail if you find you need help.


Free tutoring is available at the “Learning Resource Center”, located on the 10th floor of the W.E.B. Dubois library. Ms. Susan Bronstein is the Director, the telephone number is 545-5334, and the web address is: www.umass.edu/lrc. Finally, graduate students are also available but charge an hourly fee.


  ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Many accommodations are available at the University to ensure that students with disabilities participate fully in academic and student life. They provide a student with a disability equal access to the educational and co-curricular process, without compromising essential components of the curriculum. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis, based on the student’s documentation. For accommodations to be timely, please talk to your instructor at the beginning of the semester. Students are responsible for contacting Disability Services at the beginning of each semester so that reasonable accommodations can be made in a timely manner (first two weeks of classes).


*The syllabus is subject to revision and you will be able to find an updated version on the website.


**Please bring your textbook to every class session.




Voc.           Faute de vocabulaire (mot inapproprié)


Orth.          Faute d’orthographe


‹›                Faute d’accent (exemple : elève)


Art.            Faute d’article


Acc.            Faute d’accord


Gen.           Faute de genre (error on the gender of a noun)


Pr.              Pronom erroné


Fv              Forme du verbe erronée (conjugaison, verbe réfléchi)


Temp.         Temps du verbe erroné


->              Placer après


<-              Placer avant


Prep.          Absence de préposition, préposition erronée ou pas nécessaire


Const.        Construction de la phrase erronée


[   ]            Phrase maladroite – à réécrire


?               Il manque quelque chose (something is missing)



Semaine 1


  1. 20 janvier

En classe: Distribution du syllabus, Interlude: Résumé de l’intrigue, Intrigue p. 194-195 ;

Intrigue p. 177-181, ex. 5.27, 5.29, 5.30

      Devoir: Chapitre 5, Épisode 3: Intrigue p. 177-181 ; Intrigue p. 182-185 ex. 5.31, 5.32;

                                    SAM 05.07, 05.10, 05.11, 05.12, 05.24

                                                             Semaine 2


  1. 25 janvier

En classe: Intrigue p. 182-185, ex. 5.33, 5.34, 5.35 ; Intrigue p. 187-189, ex. 5.46, 5.47

Devoir: Intrigue p. 187-189, ex. 5.44, 5.45, SAM 05.17

Chapitre 6, Épisode 1: Intrigue p. 199-201, ex. 6.1, 6.2; SAM 06.11, 06.12, 06.13, 06.14


  1. 27 janvier

*Tous les travaux sur SAM pour le Chapitres 5 doivent être complétés avant le cours.                                    En classe: Intrigue p. 199-205, ex. 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6

Devoir: Épisode 2 : Intrigue p. 209-212, ex. 6.13, 6.14; SAM 06.06, 06.07, 06.08


                                                            Semaine 3


  1. 1er février

En classe: Intrigue p. 205-206, 209-213, ex. 6.8, 6.15, 6.17, 6.18 ; Intrigue p. 217-221, ex. 6.28, 6.29.

Devoir: Épisode 3: Intrigue p. 217-218, ex. 6.26, 6.27; SAM 06.09, 06.10, 06.15 ;

                                    Intrigue p. 224-227, ex. 6.42, 6.43, SAM 06.22, 06.23



  1. 3 février

 *Tous les travaux sur SAM pour le Chapitre 6 doivent être complétés avant le cours.

En classe: Intrigue p. 217-221, ex. 6.34 ; Intrigue p. 231-234, ex. 6.41, 6.44, 6.45

Devoir: Chapitre 7, Épisode 1: Intrigue p. 231-234, ex. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 ; SAM 07.13, 07.16, 07.17

                    Semaine 4

  1. 8 février

En classe: Intrigue p. 231-237, ex. 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 ; Intrigue p. 238-241, ex. 7.10, 7.11

Devoir: Intrigue p. 238-241, ex. 7.8, 7.9; SAM 07.01, 07.02, 07.05, 07.06, 07.10


  1. 10 février

En classe: Intrigue p. 238-241, 7.12, 7.13 ; Intrigue p. 242-247, ex. 7.18, 7.21, 7.22, 7.23, 7.24 ;

Devoir: Épisode 3: Intrigue p. 249-251, ex. 7.28, 7.29; SAM 07.07, 07.08, 07.09, 07.20

Épisode 2: Intrigue p. 242-244, ex. 7.16, 7.17; SAM 07.11, 07.12                                                                         

                                                                       Semaine 5

  1. 16 février

En classe: Sujet de la composition I. Intrigue p. 249-254, ex. 7.30, 7.35, 7.36

Tuesday is a Monday!  Devoir: Intrigue p. 256-259, ex. 7.43, 7.44 ; Intrigue p. 256-259, ex. 7.45, 7.46


  1. 17 février

*Tous les travaux sur SAM pour le Chapitre 7 doivent être complétés avant le cours.

           En classe: Révisions pour l’Examen I

Semaine 6

  1. 22 février

En classe : Examen I

  Devoir: Chapitre 8, Épisode 1: Intrigue p. 265-269, ex. 8.2; SAM 08.05, 08.15, 08.18

  1. 24 février

En classe: Intrigue p. 265-271, ex. 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.8 ; Composition I, première version.

Intrigue p. 274-276, ex. 8.14, 8.15, 8.16, 8.17

Devoir: Épisode 2: Intrigue p.274-276; SAM 08.06, 08.10, 08.13; Intrigue p. 277-279; SAM 08.07, 08.14, 08.23                                                                                                               

                                                                   Semaine 7

  1. 29 février En classe: Intrigue p. 277-279, ex. 8.18, 8.19, 8.21, 8.22, 8.23

Devoir: Épisode 3: Intrigue p. 281-282, ex. 8.27; SAM 08.08, 08.09, 08.22

  1. 2 mars

En classe: Intrigue p. 281-283, ex. 8.28, 8.29, 8.30, 8.31 ; Composition I, version finale. Intrigue p. 284-286, ex. 8.32, 8.33, 8.34, 8.35

   Devoir: Intrigue p. 284-286; SAM 08.11, 08.12, 08.14 ; Intrigue p. 289-290, ex. 8.45, 8.46

                                                                    Semaine 8


14. 7 mars

*Tous les travaux sur SAM pour le Chapitre 8 doivent être complétés avant le cours.

En classe: Intrigue p. 289-291, ex. 8.47, 8.48

Devoir: Chapitre 9, Épisode 1: Intrigue p. 295-297; SAM 09. 14, 09.17, 09.18, 09.23


  1. 9 mars

En classe: Intrigue p. 295-297, ex. 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 ; Sujet de la composition II. Intrigue p. 298-301, ex. 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.9

Devoir: Intrigue p. 298-299; SAM 09.10, 09.11, 09.12 ; Épisode 2: Intrigue p. 304-306; SAM 09.06, 09.07, 09.21

Spring break

  Semaine 9

  1. 21 mars

En classe: Intrigue p. 304-307, ex. 9.14, 9.15, 9.16

   Devoir: Intrigue p. 308-309, ex. 9.19; SAM 09.09, 09.13

  1. 23 mars

En classe: Intrigue p. 308-313, ex. 9.20, 9.23, 9.24, 9.25; Composition II, première version. Intrigue p. 314-316, ex. 9.29, 9.30, 9.31

Devoir: Épisode 3: Intrigue p. 314-315; SAM 09.08 ; Intrigue p. 317-319; SAM 09.03, 09.05, 09.19, 09.20

  Semaine 10


  1. 28 mars

*Tous les travaux sur SAM pour le Chapitre 9 doivent être complétés avant le cours.

  En classe: Intrigue p. 317-319, ex. 9.33, 9.34, 9.35 + Révisions pour l’Examen II

  1. 30 mars

En classe : Examen II

Devoir: Intrigue p. 321-325, ex. 9.43, 9.44


                                                                         Semaine 11


  1. 4 avril En classe : Intrigue p. 321-325, ex. 9.45, 9.46

Devoir: Chapitre 10, Épisode 1: Intrigue p. 331-333, ex. 10.2, 10.3; SAM 10.04, 10.13, 10.16


  1. 5 avril

En classe : Intrigue, p. 331-337, ex. 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 ; Intrigue p. 338-340, ex. 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12

Devoir: SAM 10.07, 10.11, 10.12 ; Épisode 2: Intrigue p. 341-342, ex. 10.14, 10.15; SAM 10.05, 10.17, 10.18

                                          Semaine 12


  1. 11 avril

En classe : Intrigue p. 341-346, ex. 10.16, 10.18, 10.19, 10.20, 10.21

Devoir : Épisode 3 : Intrigue p. 348-350, ex. 10.25; SAM 10.06, 10.19


  1. 13 avril

En classe : Intrigue p. 348-353, ex. 10.26, 10.29, 10.30, 10.31 ; Intrigue p. 355-358,

  1. 10.39, 10.40; Composition II, version finale.

    Devoir: Intrigue p. 355-357, ex. 10.37, 10.38

                                                                        Semaine 13


  1. 20 avril

*Tous les travaux sur SAM pour le Chapitre 10 doivent être complétés avant le cours.

En classe: Révisions pour l’examen final


                                                                  Semaine 14


  1. 25 avril

En classe: Révisions pour l’examen final


  1. 27 avril

En classe: Révisions pour l’examen final


5 mai 15h30 – 17h30 (3:30 to 5:30) examen final à Herter 118

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