Lisa Selkirk recognized as fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

From Joe Pater

Please join me in congratulating Lisa Selkirk for the richly deserved recognition as a fellow of the AAAS. Announcements of this great news have just appeared in the CHFA and UMass news, linked below. The best tribute I have heard to Lisa is one that Paul de Lacy gave at her retirement party. He noted that sometimes when a contribution becomes so fundamental to a field, it ceases to be sufficiently recognized, and he said that he thought that Lisa’s work on prosodic phonology and the syntax-phonology interface was one such case. The AAAS award seems a fitting tribute to these accomplishments.

As the articles note, Lisa joins three other UMass Linguistics faculty as AAAS fellows: Angelika Kratzer, John McCarthy and Barbara Partee.