UMass linguists at SALT 32

The Semantics and Linguistic Theory 32 conference takes place on June 8-10 2022 in Mexico City, co-hosted by El Colegio de México and the Universidad Autónoma de México. UMass linguists past and present are well-represented in the program, with a range of talks and posters.

Jesse Harris: “Commitments de lingua and the interpretation of transparent free relatives” (invited talk)

Morwenna Hoeks, Deniz Özyildiz, Jonathan Pesetsky and Tom Roberts: “Event plurality and quantifier scope across clause boundaries”

Andrea Beltrama and Florian Schwarz:  “Social identity, precision and charity: when less precise speakers are held to stricter standards.”

Scott Anderbois and Daniel Altshuler: “Coordination, coherence and A’ingae clause linkage”

Jyoti Iyer: “Back to restitutive readings again.”

Luis Alonso-Ovalle and Esmail Moghiseh: “Universal Force from Exhaustification: Farsi Hame NP-i DPs.”

Adam Gobeski and Marcin Morzycki: “Ranges.”

Bernhard Schwarz and Alan Bale: “Measurements from per without complex dimensions”