UMass Linguists go west, to WCCFL39!

The 39th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) is being hosted by the University of Arizona’s department of Linguistics Thursday 4/8 through Sunday 4/11! As an added bonus, WCCFL is co-located (virtually) with the Symposium on Native American Languages, which takes place 4/9 through 4/10.

You may register for the conference here: conference registration fees are on a sliding scale.

Andrew McKenzie will be giving an invited plenary talk entitled “Incorporation beyond the object : Interpretation and compositionality in polysynthesis” on Saturday 4/10, at 10AM PDT UTC-7.

In addition UMass linguists past and present will be presenting a number of platform talks at WCCFL, such as:

Faruk Akkus: C and T are distinct probes (4/8, 8:30AM PDT UTC-7)

John Duff: Composing associated motion in Santiago Laxopa Zapotec (4/8, 5:00PM PDT UTC-7)

Robert Henderson, Jérémy Pasquereau and John Powell: Dependent pluractionality in Piipaash (4/9, 8:00AM PDT UTC-7)

Deniz Satik: Turkic default agreement with complex possessors (4/9, 3:30PM PDT UTC-7)

Jason Overfelt: Having space to sprout: Failed sprouting in sub-clausal ellipses (4/9, 4:00PM PDT UTC-7)

Rose Underhill and Marcin Morzycki: ‘Single’, Exhaustification, and Nonlocal Adjectives (4/9, 5:30PM PDT UTC-7)

Canaan Breiss, Hironori Katsuda and Shigeto Kawahara: Paradigm uniformity is probabi- listic: Evidence from velar nasalization in Japanese (4/10, 5:30PM PDT UTC-7)

And you can also see work from UMass Linguists at the virtual poster sessions, including:

Work presented in Poster Session 1: 4/9, 10:30-11:30AM (PDT UTC-7)

Adina Camelia Bleotu and Jelke Bloem: What’s the Meaning of a Nominal Root? Insights from Experiments into Denominals and Similarity.

Jonathan Palucci, Luis Alonso-Ovalle and Esmail Moghiseh: Against Obligatory Wide Scope for Any : Transparency.

Rudmila-Rodica Ivan, Brian Dillon and Kyle Johnson: (Bound) Pronouns in Competition: Evidence from Romanian Comprehension.

Work presented in Poster Session 2: 4/10, 3:30-4:30PM (PDT UTC-7)

Brandon Prickett: Learning Sour Grapes Harmony in an artificial language learning experiment

Michael Wilson: Again reveals multidominance in the structure of spray/load verbs

Jack Rabinovitch and Baoqing Qian: Using Phasal Syntax to Make Generalizations in Manchu Vowel Harmony

Work presented in Poster Session 3: 4/11, 9:30-10:30AM (PDT UTC-7)

Shannon Bryant and Deniz Satik: A Minimalist Account of Balinese Binding