Craige Roberts, Kyle Rawlins & Daniel Altshuler at NASSLLI

Craige Roberts (Ohio State University, 1986 UMass PhD), Kyle Rawlins (Johns Hopkins, 2003 UMass BA in Linguistics & BS in Computer Science), and Daniel Altshuler (Hampshire College, brand new UMass Adjunct Professor) were all active at the North American Summer School in Language, Logic, and Information (NASSLLI 2016) at Rutgers University this past July. Craige taught a class on Questions under Discussion with long-time collaborators David Beaver, Mandy Simons and Judith Tonhauser. Their course materials are here. Kyle taught a class on Modeling Questions and Responses in Discourse. Kyle’s course materials are here. Both Craige and Kyle also participated in a workshop on Anaphora & Coherence that Daniel had co-organized.