There are two pre-CUNY workshops of interest CUNY attendees.

AttLis 2020

The seventh annual AttLis 2020 meeting has been scheduled at a time that coincides with the CUNY conference, and its program is of interest to CUNY attendees interested in the relationship between vision and language, and more generally, the use of the visual world paradigm. From the AttLis 2020 website:

AttLis addresses multi-modal cognition with an emphasis on the interaction between language and vision. More specifically, there is a central focus on how attentional and visual processes interact with spoken and written language processing. Why are attention and vision crucial to language comprehension? How does each inform and mediate the other in moment-to-moment processing and in language development over the lifespan?

AttLis will take place in Storrs, CT. Like Amherst, Storrs is served by Bradley Airport in Hartford. Driving from Storrs to Amherst takes approximately an hour a half.

AttLis’s program will end early enough on Wednesday to give attendees enough time to drive from Storrs to Amherst if they would like to attend the Eye-tracking Mini-Workshop at UMass:

SR Research Eye-tracking Mini-Workshop

Marcus Johnson from SR Research, creators of the EyeLink system, is pleased to offer a small mini workshop in the use of eye-tracking methods for psycholinguistic research. This mini workshop will take place in the Linguistics Department at UMass Amherst, in room N400, from 4-6PM on Wednesday March 18th (the night before CUNY). The workshop is currently at capacity and registration is closed. The mini-workshop will focus on eye tracking experiments involving reading.  Topics will include:

Reading Studies — Experiment Design Considerations
1) brief overview of reading paradigms and examples of findings
2) text presentation considerations (font size, variable vs fixed width fonts, line spacing)
3) interest area creation (character, word, phrase level; use of IA delimiters, whitespace assignment)
4) gaze contingent paradigms (boundary crossing, moving window)
Reading Studies — Data Analysis Considerations
1) duration-based fixation measures (gaze duration, regression path duration, rereading, etc.)
2) regression-based measures (regression ratio, targeted regressions in structures like garden path)
3) changing interest areas post hoc