GSU is … over?

This note is not “legal advice”, but my informed assessment of the particular case. Any librarian or education official should assess the opinion in light of their own situation and legal environment. I hesitate to say it, after 12 years and numerous orders, decisions, and appeals, but it looks like the Georgia State University case…Continue Reading GSU is … over?

Cambridge University Press v. Patton (11th Cir. Oct. 17, 2014) – initial thoughts

The GSU decision is out — here’s a link to the PDF. Don’t panic!  It’s a reversal on fair use, but if you read more deeply, it’s actually pretty good.  My notes (written for my library director and colleagues, on a first quick read, not yet edited) are below.  I am posting them anyway, in lieu…Continue Reading Cambridge University Press v. Patton (11th Cir. Oct. 17, 2014) – initial thoughts