GRowth by Optimization of Work


The two-dimensional modeling tool searches for the fracture propagation path that minimizes global work.  The software, tutorial and example files can be downloaded from github.

Papers that use GROW

  • McBeck, Jess, Benoit Cordonnier, Michele L. Cooke, Laura Fattaruso, and François Renard, 2023, Deformation evolves from shear to extensile in rocks due to energy optimization, Communications Earth and Environment.
  • Fattaruso, Laura, Michele L. Cooke, Jessica McBeck, 2022. The influence of fracture growth and coalescence on the energy budget leading to failure, Frontiers in Earth Science,
  • McBeck, Jessica, Michele L. Cooke and Laura Fattaruso. 2020. Predicting the propagation and interaction of frontal accretionary thrust faults with work optimization. Tectonophysics,
  • Dascher-Cousineau, Kelian, James D. Kirkpatrick and Michele L. Cooke, 2018, Smoothing of fault slip surfaces by scale-invariant wear, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth.
  • Madden, Elizabeth H., Michele L. Cooke and Jessica McBeck. 2017. Energy budget and propagation of faults via shearing and opening using work minimization, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 122, doi:10.1002/2017JB014237.
  • McBeck, Jessica, Michele L. Cooke and Elizabeth Madden. 2017. Work optimization predicts the evolution of extensional step overs within anisotropic host rock: Implications for the San Pablo Bay, CA, Tectonics. doi: 10.1002/2017TC004782.
  • McBeck, Jessica, Elizabeth H. Madden and Michele L. Cooke, 2016. Growth by Optimization of Work (GROW): A new modeling tool that predicts fault growth through work minimization, Computers and Geoscience, 10.1016/j.cageo.2015.12.019

Papers that use work minimization framework for numerical models of faulting

  • McBeck, Jessica A., Michele Cooke and Francois Renard, 2020, How the energy budget scales from the laboratory to the crust in accretionary wedges, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
  • McBeck, Jessica, Michele L. Cooke, Justin Herbert, Bertrand Maillot and Pauline Souloumniac, 2017. Work optimization predicts accretion faulting: An integration of physical and numerical experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 122, doi: 10.1002/2017JB013931.
  • Healy, David, Thomas G Blenkinsop; Nicholas E Timms; Philip G Meredith; Thomas M Mitchell; Michele L. Cooke, 2015. Polymodal faulting: Time for a new angle on shear failure, Journal of Structural Geology, v. 80, p 57-71, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2015.08.013
  • Cooke, Michele L. and Elizabeth H. Madden, 2014. Is the Earth Lazy? A review of work minimization in fault evolution, Journal of Structural Geology, 334-346, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.05.004
  • *Marshall, Scott T., Simon A. Kattenhorn and Michele L. Cooke, 2010. Secondary normal faulting in the Lake Mead fault system and implications for regional fault mechanics, in Umhoefer, P.J., Beard, L.S., and Lamb, M.A., eds., Miocene Tectonics of the Lake Mead Region, Central Basin and Range: Geological Society of America Special Paper 463, p. 289–310, doi: 10.1130/2010.2463(13).
  • Del Castello, Mario and Michele L. Cooke, 2007. Underthrusting-accretion cycle: Work budget as revealed by the boundary element method, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, B12404, doi:10.1029/2007JB004997.

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