The University of Massachusetts Amherst


What should be compliance rate to twice per week mass-testing for effective COVID-19 control in universities?

Some universities have adopted twice-per week mass test for SARS-CoV-2, followed by trace and test. We looked at what combinations of compliance to: reduced contact rate, asymptomatic testing, and face-mask-use/ 6ft distancing, are necessary to prevent deaths. Preliminary results from applying previously described SEIR model . WebApp GitHub Model


  1. Ten initial infections ( representing infections that went undetected at initial testing assuming test sensitivity is around 70% (for asymptomatic) and 90% (for symptomatic)
  2. Five infections per week enter the university population every week from outside- e.g., through travel, contact with people in the community, and surrounding communities.
  3. About 50% of the university population – constituting those with at least one of F2F classes, on-campus office and lab, and on-campus housing – are required to get tested twice per week

COVID-19 University Simulator – App

WebApp ‘COVID19 university simulator’ for evaluating varying levels of mass test, trace and test, testing delays (from non compliance and turnaround times), transmission rate (face mask use, physical distancing), contact rate in a university setting


GitHub Model

Analyses on COVID-19 control in a university setting – pre-print is online

Pre-print to “Threshold analyses on rates of testing, transmission, and contact for COVID-19 control in a university setting”


Model (on GitHub)

Xinmeng Zhao, Hanisha Tatapudi, George Corey, MD, and Chaitra Gopalappa, PhD

Simulation tool for COVID-19 control in NY (v2)

Version 2 of simulation

V2 is released. This is an interactive simulation tool for evaluating combinations of contact reduction, contact tracing and testing, and universal testing needed for efficient phased reopening . This version allows evaluations of multiple alternative combinations, flexibility to change units costs, and flexibility in setting analytic time-period. Great work by @xinmengzhao @hanishatatapudi @sonzasingh @shifali @skhatami

COVID-19 Simulation Tool

Check out the first version of our tool for NY for Evaluating Phased Reopening Decisions

Simulation Tool for Evaluating Phased Reopening Decisions HERE