Two photons better than one

Hi Lab Fab fans. UMass changed blogging platforms which forced me to take a few weeks off while they retooled. Things seem ok now (?). The following post was written for Jan 14th but still holds. By the way if you like Lab Fab, consider subscribing to never miss a post. Its free! Scroll down below the socks […]

Scientist as trucker

Last Wednesday, I drove to Manhattan to pick up an Illumina GAIIx gene sequencing machine (Fig. 1). Arguably, I have never written a sentence less probable. I hardly sequence DNA by the kilo-base, let alone by the giga-base, and driving in Manhattan leaves me terrified. The story began only the week before when Nick Kaplinsky […]

Getting maize ready for its close-up

Posting, at last (!) after a few weeks because I wearied of writing about impediments to lab-work. But this past week, I lab-worked. On Monday, I set up maize seed for germination, in the handy rig with the hands. On Tuesday, I made two agar plates, one control and one containing 300 nM oryzalin, and […]