Meet Hailey Rowe


Meet Hailey Rowe. A singer, entrepreneur, and a fellow neighbor. Many of you may know her, and her voice, as she has sung at multiple events in Wynstone over the years. Hailey has been singing since she was 5 years old, and now she gets to live out her dream one day at a time. Last month, Hailey was introduced to a singing competition through her sister’s friend, and had the amazing opportunity to sing in it! I was fortunate enough to sit down with Hailey and hear about her experiences.

The show is called Big Break, and each week contestants compete to win $10,000. The key for the singers is to get enough votes to make it to the next round, which is the following week. There is a different theme for each week, and the contestants must be able to pick and perform songs based on those themes. Something really cool about the show is that you need to be present to vote, which makes it so fun for the contestants to see their friends and families in the audience cheering them on.

A competition like that can be really nerve racking, but Hailey is an old pro! Ever since she was 5 years old, she has been constantly singing. She was “discovered” in the dentist chair, where she would sing songs by the Spice Girls, and one of the nurses encouraged her to start singing lessons. Hailey took up her advice and hasn’t stopped since! She was a part of the choir in both middle school and high school, and was a part of many plays and musicals in middle school. She also started creating original songs around that time as well. Hailey went on to major in entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California.

In college, Hailey wrote two original songs called “My Boyfriend Is Gay”, which has been featured in the Huffington Post, and has been played in many nightclubs in San Francisco, Mexico and more, and “Don’t Need Your Approval”, which was featured on the Virgin Airlines flights for 3 months during the summer of 2015. Overall, both songs have received an enormous amount of attention. Other examples of where her songs have been used include an Australian football commercial, Holly Oaks and soap operas in the UK, Paula Abdul’s “Live To Dance”, and the movie remake of Sense and Sensibility. Both have also been on the radio in the U.S.

Singing, for Hailey, has been a really positive influence in her life. She explained that singing has been her outlet, as well as being very therapeutic. It has given her a lot of confidence, which is something she has been able to translate to the rest of her life. She became comfortable singing at professional events at a very young age and matured from that.

One thing I was curious about was, since the performing arts are a rejection-based field, what keeps her motivated to always keep going? She told me that rejection makes her more motivated because it becomes so much more fulfilling when you do finally achieve your goal. She has an amazing support system from growing up in this community and from her family of course. She also has other things in her life that help her take a break from singing once in a while. Hailey is an in home trainer and coach, and this has helped keep her positive.

After college, Hailey worked at a startup called Bullet Proof lab, and is now working on her own start up as a Bullet Proof coach through Primetime Health. As a coach, she practices high performance coaching and helping people to form feel good habits through supplements, mindfulness, meditation, etc. Hailey loves fitness and healthy living, and also loves that she is able to pursue both of her passions at the same time.

After the show, Hailey has big plans! She plans to release two cover videos for songs by Grimes, and each year she challenges herself to take on a “scary music project” so she will be working on that as well. She currently is involved with the band QuinnRowe, but is interested in auditioning for a larger band and hopefully joining their group. Hailey is also releasing her very own eBook called “Youth Proof: Six Weeks To A Glowing, Healthier You”, another way to include her love of health and fitness into her busy schedule!

Overall, Hailey’s advice is to never forget what your passionate about and once you find that niche, keep at it! She also encourages people to not be afraid of repelling people by what you’re doing, and to just keep working and find the people that love and appreciate you and your work!

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