Are we better off today?

It would seem that in the words of CSNY, “the world it is a changing.”   Is it for the better seems to be the question that needs answering.  At one time, approximately 40 years ago, the nucleus of a family was a mother and father.  The father usually was the breadwinner while the mother took care of the house and children.  Dinners were at a table and cosseted of everyone sitting down and eating together.  Families talked and didn’t “post” to twitter or Facebook what they were eating.  he worse thing that occurred back then was that the phone rang…and to answer it you had to get  up and stretch the cord(yes I said cord) as far as it could go.

After dinner the kids would go out and play.  There really wasn’t a worry about kids being kidnapped or abducted.  The parents would clean up and usually watch one of 3 evening news shows.  Oh yes, did I forget to mention that the only channels on a television were ABC, CBS, ABC and PBS.  When it was time to turn in, we would go to bed and leave the door unlocked.

Somehow we as a society feel that the technological advances have helped to push us into the future.  I totally disagree.  The advances and greed that goes with it have lead us to have 8 year olds texting their friends about what they like or don’t.  Going outside for a child is not only unheard of but incredibly dangerous.  Those 4 channels have been replaced by 500 plus cable channels.  Family time is a distant memory.  So I ask you, are we really better off today?

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