Looking for unpublished Artificial Grammar studies

We’re working on a statistical meta-analysis of studies investigating phonetic naturalness bias in artificial grammar learning, and we’re looking for unpublished studies (to attempt to correct for publication bias).  If you or your students have such a study, we would be most grateful if you could send us the manuscript or handout (with information about the design, and enough data analysis that we can calculate standard effect size measures).  We’re looking for both adult studies and child studies, as well as studies that do and do not control for structural complexity.  In general, we’d rather receive studies that need to be excluded based on the criteria of our meta-analysis than miss studies that could have been included.

We would greatly appreciate if you could send your studies to wendell.kimper@manchester.ac.uk before 1st October 2016.

Thanks so much!
Wendell Kimper and Anna Greenwood