Linear Programming

This Wednesday at 5:30 in LGRT 1634 Ray Bai will present on Linear Programming.  As always, we will have free pizza and soda with the talk.

Linear programming is a widely used application of mathematics in the real-world. It is used in a number of industries, including health care, transportation, manufacturing. Formally, a linear programming model involves the minimization or maximization of an objective function with several variables subject to constraints represented by linear inequalities. In my talk, I will introduce and motivate the concept of linear programming, illustrate the geometric interpretation of an LP with two variables, and finally give a real-world example involving production scheduling.

One Reply to “Linear Programming”

  1. Given the linear programming problem, use the method of corners to determine where the minimum occurs and give the minimum value.


    Subject to
    x< 2
    y< 10
    x + y> 10
    x> 0
    y> 0

    ****on all the carrots it’s less than OR EQUAL TO
    help thanks!

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