Lyubov Titova

Lyubov Titova

Lyubov Titova is an assistant professor of Physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. She received her Ph. D. in Physics in 2005 from the University of Notre Dame. She went on to do a postdoc in the group of Leigh Smith and Howard Jackson at the University of Cincinnati in 2005, working on spatially- and time-resolved photoluminescence imaging of semiconductor nanowires.

In 2007, she joined the group of Frank Hegmann at the University of Alberta, Canada as an Avadh Bhatia Postdoctoral Fellow to work on time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy of semiconductors. In 2010, she became a Research Associate in the Ultrafast Nanotools Lab (PI – Frank Hegmann). She moved to the Physics Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2014. She is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award (2018)

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