Reading group meeting Thurs. 11/19 at 12:45

As announced last week, a group of us will meet this Thursday to discuss Boekel et al.’s (2015) Cortex paper that attempts to replicate a set of structural brain-behavior correlations. All are welcome to join us. The meeting will take place at 12:45 in ILC N400. Contrary to the prior announcement, we will not go to the dining commons, but instead will stay at N400 and nosh on People’s Market bagels and cream cheese. Coffee and tea will also be provided. It’d still be great if those of you planning to participate could please fill in your name and department in the google form linked here, though others are also welcome, and we will have a little extra.

Wouter Boekel, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Luam Belay, Josine Verhagen, Scott Brown and Birte U. Forstmann. 2015. A purely confirmatory replication study of structural brain-behavior correlations. Cortex.