The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Microsoft Software

Microsoft Word 2007 hangs when switching documents

People come into Software Support frequently with complaints about MS Word being slow or unresponsive.  I have noticed that MS Word add-ins are often to blame for these performance issues, especially by introducing a delay before starting Word or switching from one document to another.  Most of these users have multiple Word add-ins (whether they are aware of the fact or not) and so here is a very quick guide to check to see if add-ins are your issue.

The general idea is to disable add-ins and check to see if disabling a certain add-in made word significantly more responsive.  If it did, then either look into updating it or keeping it disabled if you don’t use it.  The steps for disabling an Add-in are follow:

1) Go to the Office menu, then select Word Options

2) Go to Add-Ins and take a look at the Active Application Add-ins.  Often an Adobe product will be in this list and it is often this entry that is the issue.  Select the Add-in you want to disable and press Go…

3) Deselect an Add-in (uncheck the box next to it) and hit OK.  Sometimes you’ll get the following error:

If you get this error and are running Windows Vista, close Word, navigate to C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12/ and right click on WINWORD.EXE.  Select Run as Administrator and follow the above steps again.